Thursday, August 11, 2011

You Measure Up

God whispered these messages

1. Everything can change - it's all thought. (Explanation - Truly nothing exists without the thought behind it.)
2. Consider the source! (If it's not from Me, you don't have to tangle with it.)
3. You are not attached to struggle and struggle is not attached to you.
4. You measure up!

In God's eyes, you measure up. To God, you are not lacking in any way. You are not lacking in ability, confidence, clarity or anything else.

If a thought is not from the Creator, Spirit, Mind, then it lacks intelligence, substance - there is no animating Principle to it. So, no matter what it is, you can see through it. As the Bible said, anything not made ... was not made. So, with confidence, you can feel the clarity and confidence of Christ.

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