Tuesday, June 21, 2011

True Self

Christ is your true selfhood. Jesus Christ was the Messiah. In the Bible a truer translation is Christ Jesus. It was his anointing, his title. Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is within you. He also said that you are the light of the world. This is a universal truth. In yoga last night, the teacher was talking about how your body is full of light. This light expands and fills the room. It fills the building, the city, state, world, universe. That light that is everywhere is the true idea of God. Jesus saw know limits to the power and awareness of God. It is universal.

Christ is the human and divine coincidence, divinity embracing humanity. Therefore, what God sees in you and knows about you is Christ. I have seen this at work before. I have seen middle-aged ladies connect with criminals behind bars. How? There was a connection between them, the presence of God. The cool thing about Christ, is it is the connection because the Christ (true selfhood) in you recognizes and bonds with the Christ (true selfhood, true idea of God) in them.

American theologian Mary Baker Eddy wrote "[Saint] John saw the human and divine coincidence, shown in the man Jesus, as divinity embracing humanity in Life and its demonstration, — reducing to human perception and understanding the Life which is God."

Christ is your connection to God. I am talking about Christ as the divine influence in your life. Where Christ is, healing is taking place. Nothing that comes into contact with Christ leaves unhealed. Christ uncovers evil, arrests it, destroys it, dissolves it. Christ as the full presence and activity of the one God brings us progress and freedom.

Step aside and let Love have Her day. Before you step into a room, step aside and let the real you step into the room. Watch what happens.

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