Monday, September 8, 2008

Maybe Healing Has Already Come

A few weeks ago I had a headache. When I prayed about it, I heard "Why are you praying about this? It has already been healed. You were healed of headaches a long time ago. You must trust that you are already healed." I felt that this was God speaking to me. Of course, it is right to pray. But, there are times when it is right to stand firm, knowing that as it says in Revelation, "It is done."

When we pray we want to become aware of that universal law - God says I Am all! We want to feel wrapped up in God's love and be conscious that God is Love. When the fear comes that says, "See, you aren't healed," what is your response going to be? If you feel like you have prayed about this and you really understand that this is healed, then consider turning it over to God and knowing that in reality, that is to God, God has done His work and there isn't a problem to be healed. Rejoice that you are healed. Laugh at evil. (Laughing at evil is a sure sign that you are well on your way to healing.)

Let's say that what you are struggling with is actually healed, but you don't see it. You just keep praying day after day, week after week, not realizing that you are healed. Is healing going to come through repeated prayers, or through realizing that you are healed? That's kind of an individual question that you have to go to God with. But, I think you can see that I'm asking the question to broach whether we could be delaying healing by trying to be diligent. You may want to listen, and if you feel that God is moving you to declare victory and keep affirming victory until "you" see what God has done, do it!

By the way, I won't say that I was immediately healed that day. There were several times where the thought came that I still had a headache. Each time I kept affirming that God was good, that His work was done, that I was already healed. I did witness that I was healed and was free from pain. To me it was the Christ, the divine message from God that kept insisting that I was healed.

All the best to you fellow children of God.



Anonymous said...

Wow !! Just what I have been needing for such a long time .
So many healings in the past ...
undeniable ones... but somehow doubt and uncertainy had crept in and mortal mind had been running me ragged .... I am so grateful for this ... Thank you

Anonymous said...

A lot of the articles I have read on Christian Science says that God does not evil or sickness. It this is so how did he speak to you about the headaches?

How can God communicate with us about a issue He does not know?

Dan Carnesciali said...

This is an excellent question! You are correct that God does not know sickness. What I heard was Truth in a way that worked for me!

When we pray, when we commune with God, we become aware of what is really real, what is really going on. It is the office of the Christ to make sure that you hear it in a way that makes sense to you.

Anonymous said...

You see mr god is love i also know.but u praying only not now ur problem is solve its not ever believe is wanted at same time its not wanted to all.




Chris Burgoyne said...

Hmmm - it is very interesting what Dennis says - good answer though Dan!!

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