Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The Love that Embraces The Universe

I love thinking about love. It enriches me and raises me up.

Today I am thinking about the Love that embraces the entire Universe. I am focusing on that Love that animates the Universe. Materialist think that the universe exists as material components and wonder how it works. Although you get a sense of how infinite the universe is, I don't think you can ever figure out what governs the universe on that basis. You are always left with a big unknown - what started it all.

I believe that nothing is self-governing. I believe that universal laws govern the universe harmoniously. The Principle of that government is divine Love. That infinite force created the universe, it nutures it, it governs it and maintains it. Beyond that, Love animates the entire universe.

Those thoughts make my heart glow with love. Love for myself. Love for all mankind. Love for the Universe. I love them because I see them how Love made them and how Love sees them. That recognition brings healing into my life and those whom I think about.

What is animating you today?

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