Friday, March 11, 2011

Earthquake and Tsunami

I have been praying about the earthquake that struck Japan this morning and the resulting tsunamis. My Bible fell open to Ps 16, which reads "Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge." I am praying that for everyone in the Pacific region.

I am pondering the following:

Divine intelligence governs all creation perfectly and with perfect assurance. One of the names for God is Principle, which describes how God is the law-maker. Principle therefore is a law of good, a law of Love. This then mean that God and God's power is a law FOR good. I am reminding myself that God does not share His power and authority with anyone. Let's bring thought into harmony with these divine facts. Natural disasters are not natural. They are not from God. As it says in I Kings 19, God was not in the earthquake, wind and fire.

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