Thursday, June 24, 2010

Loving More

This week I have been reading a book called The Mastery of Love.
I've had the book for a few years and this week God said it was time
to read it. He are some ideas that have been helping me to see love differently.

"We can talk about love and write a thousand books about it, but love
will be completely different for each one of us because we have to
experience love. Love is not about concepts; love is about action.
Love in action can only produce happiness. Fear in action can only
produce suffering. The only way to master love is to practice love."

"Love has no resistance, no expectations. In fear, we blame others
for not meeting our expectations." So, fear lived out is a recipe for
disappointment and inharmony.

Is it tempting to feel like you don't have enough love to go around because something has you down? That's how I felt yesterday. Something big hadn't worked out the way I thought it should. This morning I opened Mastery of Love I read "Self-pity is disrespect." Self-pity is: I'm not good enough, not bright enough not strong enough, not intelligent enough, not enlightened enough, not loving enough. "Happiness never comes from outside us. You are happy because of the love coming out of you."

So, no one else makes you/me happy or sad. Happiness is the result of Your [God's] love. Well, I realized that I didn't have to put up with self-pity and I was free to love, well freely.

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