Thursday, April 23, 2009

You Have a Holy Purpose

Friend, God has called you to be Her presence, the Christ presence today. Wherever you go you are bringing Christ. Jesus Christ said that you are the light of the world. Whatever your vocation, being the light of Christ is your calling. And God would not give you an assignment without the means, the full capability to carry it out. Jesus said that you have the kingdom of heaven within you. Can you see that you already have the kingdom?!

Last summer counselors at a camp I was helping out at were having a struggle with a girl's sour attitude. I kept seeing her as God is seeing her, no matter what. At the end of my week there, this girl, looking radiantly happy, ran over and gave me a hug. Another time, I entered a meeting a few minutes late. After the meeting, someone took me aside and said that the man leading the meeting had been ranting and raving, including cussing, until I walked in the room. He immediately calmed down. Did I do anything? Not a thing. Was I special? Not at all. It was the Christ presence that is in us all. We're just recognizing the Christ (the action of divine Love) and giving it ample room in our lives.

The author of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, wrote, "For right reasoning there should be but one fact before the thought, namely, spiritual existence. In reality there is no other existence, since Life cannot be united to its unlikeness, mortality." So, you don't really have two lives. One human and one spiritual.

Your purpose is to love God with all your heart and soul and to serve only God.

Peace to the struggling heart!

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