Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Starting to Pray About Climate Change

When thinking about global climate change, it looks like mankind is asleep at the wheel. However, we are suddenly seeing a great leavening of Truth going on. Industry instead of government is recognizing the need to seek solutions to climate change. Something is busting up resistance to change - it's Christ, the divine influence.

How can scientific prayer make a difference in such a big problem? I don't know about you, but I find that fear that that problem is to BIG tries to voice itself. It's a Goliath voice - how dare you challenge me. What is the solution? [pause to avoid a Sunday School answer.] I believe it is turning to and staying with God, the omnipotent, the only truth giver to man.

"As light destroys darkness and in the place of darkness all is light, so (in absolute Science) Soul, or God, is the only truth-giver to man. " Page 72:9 As from Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy.

There is nothing else going on, despite the carnal mind's drama theater of a of threat to mankind. Maybe it's like walking into the wrong movie theater. You don't have to stay, you can walk right out and go to the right one.
Thanks Maryl and Barry for the thoughts.


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