Thursday, November 22, 2007

Global Thanksgiving

Love to you all. God's grace has healed me and for this I am thankful. God's grace has healed my family and I am grateful for this. God's grace has healed my dog - for this I am happily grateful. God's grace has revealed my calling - to be a spiritual healer, a Christian Science healer - and this is what I am most grateful for because now I am witnessing God's grace and healing for you and all mankind.

Thank you God!


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Never Give Up

Isn't it odd how light we can feel, until somebody says something that we take personally. The same goes for thoughts that we take personally. Let's say we are praying for healing and the thought comes that the illness is getting worse, we are not praying about it very effectively. That sounds plausible, right? On one hand, yes. But on the other NO, NO, NO. Why? Because there's no truth in it. And, if you accept it as true for you personally, then you struggle even more.

All the best!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Sin Healed? - Part 1

Can sins be forgiven? It's an excellent question. If sins cannot be forgiven then evil is perpetual, and suffering is inevitable and everlasting. Wouldn't incurable disease seem normal, too?

Some think that one can avoid punishment for sin because God does not know sin, that "He is of purer eyes than to behold evil." Here is where Christian Science helps us understand God's law in a practical way. Mary Baker Eddy states in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, "Error excludes itself from harmony. Sin is its own punishment." (Error is another word for evil. Error means that evil is a mistake, a misconception, like 4+4=5.) The way to be free of the punishment of sin, is to totally forsake sin. Error's agony aids in destroying error. Hiding sin as a means of preserving peace, or giving the illusion of peace, causes error and the suffering to grow.

Once the sin is forsaken, the suffering is removed. It's a law of God-good. God is patient with our mistakes. He gently leads us back to the right way. He does not tolerate the sin, but is very patient with our failings. We should be so patient with each other. "Through the wholesome chastisements of Love, we are helped onoward in the march towards righteousness, peace and purity, which are the landmarks of Science." (S&H 323:6)

When sin is rebuked, we discover something. We discover our true sinless nature. We discover that in God's eyes, we never strayed. And, we are home. "In this Science, we discover man in the image and likeness of god. We see that man has never lost his spiritual estate and his eternal harmony." (S&H 548:5)
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